Coming Spring 2020!
Coming Spring 2020

Shooting the Front Eastern Operations, Volume I: Without Flyers, No Tannenberg
Aviation on the Eastern Front of 1914—
Evolution of a Critical Role For Modern Warfare
By Terrence J. Finnegan, Helmut Jäger and Carl J. Bobrow
Shooting the Front Eastern Operations, Volume I, is now with the publisher and should be finished in early 2020.Two fellow authors, Helmut Jäger [the world’s authority on German aerial cameras of World War I, whose access to a wealth of Reichsarchiv sources is beyond anything imaginable] and Carl J. Bobrow [a leading authority on Russian aviation in World War I, possessing the best network of contacts in Russia, particularly with the “Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy voyenno-istoricheskiy arkhiv” (RGVIA Russian State Military Archive)], have uncovered research that will treat historians and enthusiasts to the most definitive discussion of aviation over the Eastern Front to date. Feel free to contact Terry at seicheprey@gmail.com for additional information on the four-volume series.